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Pete Jones Portrait

Pete Jones

Senior Marketing Consultant

Harmony, Includer, Achiever, Arranger, Developer

More About Pete

People often talk about having an influential teacher who changed their career or passions. That is true for me; a teacher influenced my career, and one of his projects forever changed my career trajectory. I was studying at Drake University (Go Bulldogs!) to get my MBA in Business Administration in 2008. The project involved starting a blog, buying a domain with my name and being more active in the “new” digital space. Looking back, I had no idea how influential that project would be, or that it would grow into a love for developing communities, brands and driving growth for organizations over the past 15 years.

Since then, I’ve grown brands in the SaaS, technology, services, and educational publishing spaces, focusing mainly on demand generation or growth marketing. I enjoy digging into the customer journey to ensure the user experience is as streamlined as possible, and profitable at the same time. I nerd out on analytics, especially those showcasing the success of the customer acquisition strategies I’ve had the opportunity to build.

When not digging into strategy and analytics, I spend as much time as possible with my wife and three children, either attending or coaching their respective sporting events.

“Don’t let the start stop you.” — Joel Duncan

Seize the day. share the love.

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