Nsight Telservices had a challenge: The telecommunications organization needed a website that would not only show their expertise as innovators in phone, internet and cable for commercial and residential customers, but also demonstrate their second-to-none emphasis on customer care. They issued a Request for Proposals for a website redesign agency, ultimately selecting Blue Door Consulting to build their new online home.
The Results
For Nsight, tackling a website redesign meant starting from scratch. Everything from messaging to navigation was reconsidered, reworked and updated to provide relevant information that aligned with brand and customer goals. For example, business and residential services were separated by one click to link users to what they need in seconds.
Through interviews, messaging and competitor research, Nsight worked hand-in-hand with Blue Door Consulting to draft a fully redesigned site that linked customers with high-quality information. A refreshed user experience showcased Nsight Telservices’ tech-savvy personality.
A critical piece of perfecting Nsight Telservices’ customer experience was making it easier for customers to convert. The team paired relevant information on phone, internet and cable services with a simple call-to-action. These CTAs linked customers from “That’s what I need,” to purchasing in seconds. The result? Online conversions more than doubled.
Nsight Telservices’ website redesign showed off their strengths, demonstrating to customers that they’re a leader in technology and customer satisfaction. This emphasis on their abilities in their rebuilt online home helped them capture new customers while caring for their current ones.
If you need a website redesign agency to help you communicate your message, contact us today.