Get Personal with Megan, Digital Content Marketer
The world of digital content and social media is always changing, which is one of the things that Megan Olson loves about digital marketing. As a natural busy-body, the fast pace of work at Blue Door Consulting as a content marketer is the perfect role for her. She loves the challenge of trying new things with strategy, continuously building on the online relationship brands have with their audience.
‘My passions very much lie in the digital landscape, social media, writing and making those connections online,’ said Megan. ‘Social media, for example, is this amazing tool that puts people in the positon to make real-life connections. I love looking at that and how it can be applied to our clients, and how they can make those online connections with their customers.’
Fun fact: She started her college education in the physical therapy program. Less than a semester in, she knew it wasn’t for her. Ten years later, she’s found her stride as a content marketer and loves it! To find out more about Megan and why she’s passionate about her role at Blue Door Consulting, press play above. Then, click here to learn more about the career path she took to become a digital content marketer.